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Numerology of Numbers with Messages from Angels


Do you see different sequences of reflected, reversed, or tripled numbers in your life?

Check the numerological interpretation with messages from 72 angels.

What is a mirror hour?

A "mirror hour" is an hour with double numbers. It usually appears randomly when you look at your phone, watch, or other device that shows time in digital format but also analog. You might feel strange, especially when the same double hour appears regularly. A mirror hour consists of numbers matching the minutes, for example 22:22. This phenomenon is closely related to numerology and astrology, as well as to the idea of synchronicity discovered by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961).

Synchronicity and mirror hours

Synchronicity is part of analytical psychology developed by Carl Jung. It refers to the simultaneous occurrence of two events that, although they seem to have no direct causal relationship between them, once connected, become meaningful to the person observing them. This idea of synchronicity should be considered as part of the collective unconscious composed of archetypes. Jung noticed that some patients had lives that were completely regulated by time, by their dreams, or by a specific "theme." Daily synchronizations pose a real challenge to the idea of causality. When we experience a moment of synchronicity, it can make us feel uneasy or give us access to a different perspective of the paradigms surrounding us. For example, at 13:13, you might receive a message or phone call from someone you were thinking about! The number will likely strike you quite strongly, which is completely normal! Such is the nature of synchronicity; it will strike you obviously. Sometimes the message is clear, and sometimes you need to delve deeper into it.

Why do you see mirror hours?

A reflection hour, or mirror hour, can appear for many different reasons and is always very personal. Here are different meanings that can be considered to explain the appearance or repetition of a mirror hour.

A sign from your Guardian Angel

The study of guardian angels tells us that clock times are a method by which these spiritual beings can communicate with the material world. Doreen Virtue's works allow us to share with you the angelic message corresponding to each mirror hour. If you frequently see the same mirror hour in your daily life, it could mean that your angel is trying to reveal itself. Look for other potential signs, as they are definitely trying to warn or protect you from something dangerous.

Someone is thinking about you

As mentioned earlier, synchronicity moves in the collective unconscious. If you frequently see the same double hour, it might mean that someone has strong feelings for you. To understand the nature of these feelings, take some time to identify the sensations you feel at the moment you see the hour. You will then be able to find out if this person will fill you with positive or negative energy.

An attempt to contact you

Similar to an angel, a being might be trying to contact you. It could be someone who has passed away or a spirit that wants to guide you. Either way, you should pay attention to the nature of this entity. If you see a mirror hour in a "supernatural" context, you should quickly go and see a medium. It could be a so-called poltergeist or manifestation of an evil spirit.

You need clarification and answers

When we face difficult challenges in our lives, we look for answers to our questions. The art of divination often allows us to get a better picture of the future, and analyzing the mirror hour can give you some keys to your destiny. Like analyzing life path through numerology, analyzing the double hour you keep seeing can help you succeed and overcome the obstacles you encounter.

A message from your subconscious!

Our subconscious makes up 90% of our being. Unlike the conscious mind, which we cannot control, it has no free will and works a bit like a computer. The conscious mind gives the program to run, but then it's on autopilot. This explains why you sometimes unconsciously check the time because your subconscious has something it wants to tell you!

The meaning of reflection hours

You now understand that a mirror hour can have several meanings, and we will give you more information about the double hour you saw. If you want to understand the meaning and message behind a mirror hour, simply go to the page navigation and select the appropriate time range that interests you. On the site, you will find a complete overview that will allow you to discover the meaning through angelology, numerology, and card reading. We will also publish many articles about numerological research of hours that will allow you to learn more about reversed and triple hours.

Click on a specific hour and read the interpretations